林旖旎 教授




    電話:(03)5715131轉 42451

    辦公室:教育館 214 室

    1122學期office hour:星期一14:00~16:00




  • 國立清大學資培育中心副主任  (2016.11-2017.7)
  • 國立清大學資培育中心主任 (2014.8-2016.10)
  • 諮商心理師國家特種考試及格
  • 諮商心理師、實習諮商心理師督導 個別和團體 國家考試心理學門閱卷委員
  • 科技部(國科會)計畫審查委員諮商心理相關期刊審查委員
  • 國立清華大學諮商中心主任、兼任諮商心理師國立清華大學性別平等委員會委員
  • 國立清華大學學生申訴評議委員會委員國立清華大學學生獎懲委員會委員
  • 國立清華大學校課程委員會委員
  • 國立暨南國際大學社會政策與社會工作學系助理教授、副教授國立暨南國際大學諮商中心兼任諮商心理師
  • 國立暨南國際性別平等委員會委員 中華幼兒托育暨教保品質協會發起人正念助人協會發起人
  • 新竹市社區健康促進協會發起人台灣社會政策學會理事
  • 南投縣社區大學教師
  • 南投地方法院虞犯少年暨法定代理人諮商心理師 奇美醫學中心婦產科生殖醫學中心義務諮商心理師
  • 美國愛荷華大學心理諮商、復健與學生發展研究所助教、研究助理


Ÿ 國立清華大學101學年度優秀教職員(1/2013)

Ÿ 國立清華大學101學年度共教會傑出導師(12/2012)

Ÿ 國立清華大學1051041031021019695學年度激勵性薪級制度(學術卓越獎助費)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2003). The effects of brief eclectic therapy on Taiwanese female university clients. 國科會92年度吳大猷先生紀念獎

Ÿ Lin, Y., Tsai, Y. C., & Kung, C. Y. (2002). Taiwanese infertile patients’ psychosocial needs during the process of infertility treatment: A survey study. The 3rd Conference of The Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility & Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society for Reproductive MedicineTSRM 論文獎第三名

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2000). The effect of counseling style and stage on perceived counselor effectiveness from Taiwanese female university students. 國科會89年度甲種獎勵


Ÿ 台灣輔導與諮商學會

Ÿ 新竹市諮商心理師公會

Ÿ 正念助人學會


Ÿ 諮商輔導原理與實務

Ÿ 心理衛生

Ÿ 青少年心理學

Ÿ 發展心理學

Ÿ 質性研究


Ÿ Lin, Y. (2016-2017). Defining student success over the journey of university career: Perspectives of Taiwanese students. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-105-2410-H-007-024)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2015-2016). Students’ relationships among Taiwanese university students on university campuses. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-104-2410-H-007-018).

Ÿ Huang, C. Y., & Lin, Y. (2015-2016). Toward the development of a culturally relevant rape myth concept and scale. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-104-2410-H-364 -001)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2014-2015). University students’ psychosocial development and a comparison with psychosocial developmental theory by Chickering and Reisser. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-103-2410-H-007-031)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2013-2014). Life experiences of senior students at three universities in Taiwan. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-102-2410-H-007-019)

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2012-13). 諮商中心一級服務的理念、內容與執行模式研究。清華大學研發處。新竹,台灣。

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2012-13). 師培生修習青少年心理學的學習與發展經驗。清華大學教務處教學發展中心。新竹,台灣。

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2011-2012). Changes, challenges and development of university counseling centers: Perspectives of directors in Taiwan. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-100-2410-H-007-012)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2010-2011). Constructing a self-care model of university counselors in Taiwan. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-99-2410-H-007-032)

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2009-2010)。理工研究生於研究所生涯的成長發展經驗:心理社會觀點。國科會,台北,台灣。(NSC-98-2410-H-007-011)

Ÿ 林旖旎(2009)。清大諮商中心服務調查研究。清華大學學務處諮商中心。新竹,台灣。

Ÿ 林旖旎(2009)。師資培育學生以經驗性學習方式修習諮商輔導課程的學習與成長經驗。清華大學教務處教學發展中心。新竹,台灣。

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2007-2009). Subjective well-being experiences of Taiwanese undergraduate and graduate students: Content description and model construction. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-96-2410-H-007-002-MY2)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2007-2008). Women’s experiences of post-infertility pregnancy with assisted reproductive treatment. Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan.

Ÿ 林旖旎(2007)。研究型大學諮商輔導策略研究。清華大學學務處諮商中心。新竹,台灣。

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2006-2007). Life experiences of good-quality undergraduate and graduate students in Taiwan: Content description and model construction. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-95-2410-H-007-001)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2004-2005). Psychosocial development of Taiwanese university students. National Science Council. Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-93-2413-H-007-007)

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2003-2004). The effect of brief eclectic therapy on Taiwanese female university students. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2002-2003). Taiwanese infertile women’s psychosocial responses before, during and after the process of infertility treatment. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2001-2002). Psychosocial needs, perceived self-control, and life satisfaction from the perspectives of Taiwanese infertile patients. Chi Mei Medicine Center. Tainan, Taiwan.

Ÿ Lin, Y. (2000-2001). The effects of counseling styles and stages on perceived counselor effectiveness from Taiwanese female university clients. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.

研究期刊發表PUBLICATIONS: Articles


  • Lin*, Y. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2020). Applying integrated horticultural therapy and aromatherapy to assist undergraduates in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 54(1), 8-12.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C. (2020). Primary services at university counseling centers in Taiwan. Education, 140(2), 100- 110.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2019). Learning and development experience of Taiwanese students in the secondary education program. Education, 139(4), 203-213.
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2018). Applying integrated horticultural therapy and writing therapy to assist graduate students in Taiwan. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 5(8), 36-40.
  • Lin, Y. (2017). Subjective well-being experiences of Taiwanese university students. Education, 137(3), 333-343. (NSC- 96-2410-H-007-002-MY2)
  • 黃軍義* & 林旖旎 (2017)。華人強暴迷思概念與測量工具。中華心理學刊, 59, 63-87. (TSSCI, PsycINFO, 科技部評定心理學類 A 級期刊) (MOST-104-2410-H-364-001)
  • Lin*, Y., Lai, P. H., Chiu, Y. H. C., Hsieh, H. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2016). Taiwanese university students’ perspectives on experiential learning and psychosocial development. College Student Journal, 50(4), 603-613.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Lai, P. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2016). Student volunteers’ perspectives on roles/functions of
  • university counseling centers in Taiwan. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 8(10), 109-116.
  • Lin*, Y., & Chen, Y. H. (2016). Career decision experience of elementary school teachers with professional counseling competencies in Taiwan. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 3(9), 19-25.
  • Lin*, Y., & Chen, Y. H. (2016). Primary school teachers’ guidance role and competencies in Taiwan. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 3(9), 76-80.
  • Lin, Y. (2016). The framework for integrating common and specific factors in therapy: A resolution. International Journal of Psychology and Counseling, 8(7), 81-95. (DOI: 10.5897/IJPC2016.0398)
  • Lin*, Y., Lai, P. H., Chiu, Y. H. C., Hsieh, H. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2016). Experience of dormitory peer mentors: A journey of self-learning and development. Education, 136, 437-450.
  • Lin, Y. (2015). A training programme for master-student counselor interns at university counseling centre in Taiwan.
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 6(2), 89-98. (a leading journal in counseling and psychotherapy fields in Asia) (DOI:10.1080/21507686.2015.1091019)
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Lai, P., Hsieh, H. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2015). Development of university counseling profession in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 49(1), 137-145. (NSC-100-2410-H-007-012)
  • Lin, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Lai, P. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2015). Student volunteers’ perspectives on roles/functions of
  • university counseling centers in Taiwan. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 8(10), 109-116.
  • Lin, Y. (2014). College psychotherapy at a Taiwanese counseling center. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 28(1), 6-11. (SCOPUS)
  • Lin, Y. (2014). The graduate student experience at a research-oriented university in Taiwan. Education, 135(2), 195-208. Lin, Y. (2014). Perspectives on peer-mentoring from Taiwanese science and engineering master’s students. Education,
  • 135(1), 79-92.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2014). Experience of teacher education students in taking the course of adolescent psychology. College Student Journal, 48(4).
  • Lin, Y. (2013). The career development journey of a woman university counseling psychologist in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 4(1), 76-88. (a leading journal in counseling in Asia)
  • Lin*, Y., Tsai, Y. C., & Lai, P. H. (2013). The experience of Taiwanese women achieving post-infertility pregnancy through assisted reproductive treatment. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 21(2), 189-197. (SCOPUS) (DOI: 10.1177/0123456789123456)
  • Lin*, Y., & Hsu, A. Y. (2013). The perspectives of science and engineering master’s students on the mentoring relationship. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 11(1), 129-145. (SCOPUS) Lin*, Y. & Hsu, A. Y. (2012). Peer mentoring among doctoral students of science and engineering in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13(4), 563-572. (SSCI) (DOI: 10.1007/s12564-012-9219-8)
  • Lin, Y. (2012). Experiences of burnout, self-care and recovery of female university counselors. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 46(3), 221-238. (NSC-99-2410-H-007-032) (Top 1 journal in counseling in Canada)
  • Lin, Y. (2012). Female veteran counselors regarding student characteristics and resultant service strategies in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 46(4), 730-747. (NSC-99-2410-H-007-032)
  • Lin, Y. (2012). Life experiences of dissatisfied science and engineering graduate students in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 46(1), 51-66. (NSC-98-2410-H-007-011)
  • Lin*, Y., Hsu, A. Y., & Lai, P. H. (2011). Life experiences of overseas Chinese university students in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 45(4), 793-805.
  • Lin, Y. (2011). Laboratory experiences of science and engineering graduate students at three research-oriented universities in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 45(3), 493-507. (NSC-98-2410-H-007-011)
  • Lin, Y. (2011). Teacher education students’ experiences in the course on counseling theory and practice. College Student Journal, 45(2), 242-256. (sponsored by the CTLD, Office of Academic Affairs, NTHU).
  • Lin, Y. (2011). University environment experience of the first two years of university graduates at a newly established small university located in suburban area in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 45(1), 65-83. (NSC-93-2413-H-007-007).
  • Lin*, Y., Liu, C. & Hsieh, H. (2010). A services survey study of a university counseling center in Taiwan. College Student Journal, 44(4), 1021-1039. (sponsored by the Counseling Center, Office of Student Affairs, NTHU)
  • Lin, Y. (2010). Taiwanese university students’ perceptions of university life. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 23(2), 189-202. (SCOPUS) (NSC-93-2413-H-007-007)
  • 林旖旎*、陳凱婷 (2009)。女性諮商輔導碩士生於研究所生涯的學習與成長經驗。中華輔導與諮商學報,25 213-250(TSSCI)
  • Lin, Y. (2007). Taiwanese female volunteer helpers' coping with the 9/21st earthquake and its consequences. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 11(1), 49-62.
  • 林旖旎*、蔡永杰、康介乙 (2006)。台灣女性的不孕經驗:關係的觀點。中華輔導學報(現更名為中華輔導與諮商學報19175-210(TSSCI)(NSC-93-2413-H-260-003)
  • 林旖旎 (2006)。高品質的大學生生活經驗質性研究:以一所小型郊區大學為例。中華心理衛生學刊, 19(4) 365-393(TSSCI) (NSC-93-2413-H-007-007)
  • Lin, Y. (2005). Conceptualizing common factors in counseling. Guidance Journal, 27(1), 1-21.
  • Lin*, Y. & Lai, P. H. (2005). The effect of relationship-centered counseling on Taiwanese university students. Guidance Journal, 26(2), 1-16.
  • Lin, Y. (2004). The application of converged themes with Taiwanese clients. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 17(2), 209-222. (SCOPUS)
  • 林旖旎*、蔡永杰、康介乙 (2004)。不孕夫妻於不孕歷程的反應與互動:台灣不孕女性的觀點。彰化師大輔導學報,26(1), 39-66
  • Lin, Y. (2003). Conceptualizing brief eclectic therapy from a stage perspective. Guidance Journal, 24, 207-235. (TSSCI 觀察名單)
  • 林旖旎 (2003)。基礎會談技巧訓練之實施效果研究。玄奘學報, 6, 88-103
  • Lin, Y. (2002). Conceptualizing eclectic counseling. Guidance Journal, 23, 277-305. (TSSCI 觀察名單)
  • Lin, Y. (2002). The application of cognitive-behavioral therapy to counseling Chinese. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 56(1), 46-58. (SSCI)
  • Lin, Y. (2002). Taiwanese university students’ perspectives on helping. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 15(1), 47-58. (SCOPUS)
  • Lin, Y. (2002). Counseling a Taiwanese woman with infertility problems. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 15(2), 209-215. (SCOPUS)
  • 林旖旎 (2002)。短期心理諮商模式應用於台灣大學生之理念與可行性之探討。玄奘學報, 5, 205-232 。林旖旎 (2001)。關係中心諮商模式之理念與應用。彰化師大輔導學報, 22, 33-48(TSSCI 觀察名單)
  • Lin, Y. (2001). Taiwanese university students’ conceptions of counseling. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 31(3), 199-211. (SCOPUS)
  • Lin, Y. (2001). The effects of counseling styles and stages on perceived counselor effectiveness from Taiwanese female university clients. Asian Journal of Counseling, 8(1), 35-60. (NSC 89-2413-H-260-011)
  • Lin, Y. (2001). Taiwanese female university students’ perceptions of counselor effectiveness. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 23(1), 51-72. (SCOPUS)
  • Woodard*, V. S., & Lin, Y. (1999). Designing a prepracticum for counselor education programs. Counselor Education and Supervision, 39(2), 134-144. (AHCI).
  • Tsai, Y., Chen, J., Lin, L., Sung, Y., Tsai, T., & Lin*, Y. (1999). Clinical value of psychological counseling on infertility treatment- a case report. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 89(4), 195-199.


Ÿ 林旖旎 (2005)。不孕女性的反應與調適。台灣生殖醫學會會訊,1042-48

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2005)。淺談諮商師於心理諮商歷程中的社會影響力。輔導季刊,41(3)11-17

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2003)。應用短期心理諮商模式治療強迫症及泛慮症個案。輔導季刊,38(3)53-57

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2003) 個案探討:九二一震災PTSD個案之短期悲傷治療。輔導季刊,38(4)35-42

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2003)。個案探討:發展、探索、與成長中的大學生。諮商與輔導,20732-36

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2003)。危機諮商處遇模式:理論架構與技巧應用。諮商與輔導,2096-9

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2001)。不孕症病患之壓力源、反應模式、與心理治療。諮商與輔導,186 26-30

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2001)。職場中的壓力紓解與調適。厚生雜誌,14 39-40

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2001)。不孕症病患之壓力源、反應模式、與心理治療。諮商與輔導,18626-30

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2000)。個案探討:應用短期性關係中心諮商模式治療PTSD個案。訓育研,39(3)68-74

Ÿ 林旖旎 & 蔡永杰 (1999)。壓力紓解與情緒支持對不孕症治療之幫助。台灣醫界,42(9)36

學術研討會發表PUBLICATIONS: Conference Presentation

  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2021). Choosing humanities or science program in high school: A retrospective study of Taiwanese female STEM university students. 2021 International Conference of Teaching Theories and Practices at Higher Education, HsinChu, Taiwan. (MOST-108-2629-H-007-001).
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2021). Sisterhood among women STEM university students in Taiwan. 2021 International Conference of Teaching Theories and Practices at Higher Education, HsinChu, Taiwan. (MOST-108-2629-H- 007-001).
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2021). The effect of female role models on female STEM university students in Taiwan. 2021 International Conference of Teaching Theories and Practices at Higher Education, HsinChu, Taiwan. (MOST-108-2629-H-007-001).
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2021). Peer mentorship of women graduate students in Taiwan. Conference of Social Care and Social Order, HsinChu, Taiwan. (MOST-108-2410-H-007-041).
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2021). Perspectives on peer mentoring from Taiwanese university students. Conference of Social Care and Social Order, HsinChu, Taiwan. (MOST-107-2410-H-007-058).
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2021). The male graduate student experience in Taiwan. Conference of Social Care and Social Order, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y. (2021). The woman STEM graduate student experience in Taiwan. 科技部 2021 性別與科技研究計畫聯合成果討論會(性別與 STEM 女性人才培育), Taiwan. (MOST-108-2629-H-007-001).
  • Hou, Y. F., & Lin*, Y. (2020). Psychosocial development of women STEM university students in Taiwan. 2020 Conference of Creative Research and Education Practice, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Huang, Y. W., & Lin*, Y. (2020). Work experience of ground staff of transportation services in Taiwan Airlines. 2020 Conference of Creative Research and Education Practice, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lee, Y. C., & Lin*, Y. (2020). A Child-centered play therapy journey for a boy with ADHD. 2020 Conference of Creative Research and Education Practice, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Yao, Z. H., & Lin*, Y. (2020). Development of A young man with ADHD traits and with avoidant and dismissing
  • attachment styles: A Narrative Study. 2020 Conference of Creative Research and Education Practice, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Lin, Y., & Hsieh, J. C (2019). An APP to enhance mindfulness training at home. 2019 Conference of Playing in Positive Psychology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Chen, Y. H., & Lai, P. H (2019). Students’ pursing positive development over university journey in Taiwan. 2019 Conference of Playing in Positive Psychology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Chen, Y. H., & Lai, P. H. (2019). Experiences of women graduate students in Taiwan. 2019 Conference of Playing in Positive Psychology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Zeng, Y. J., & Liang, Y. C (2019). Perspectives on counseling seeking from Taiwanese university students in counseling programs. 2019 Conference of Playing in Positive Psychology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • 侯玉芬、林旖旎* (2019)。台灣理工女學生於大學生涯之心理社會發展經驗: 性別視角的個案研究。2019 年全國輔導與諮商碩博士研究生學術研討會。新竹,台灣。
  • 姚增昊、林旖旎* (2019)。逃避型依附 ADHD 個體發展經驗的自我敘事研究。2019 年全國輔導與諮商碩博士研究生學術研討會。新竹,台灣。
  • 邱怡欣* & 林旖旎 (2019)。個案報告-天之驕者的憂鬱。台灣臨床心理學會 2019 會員大會暨學術研討會。台北,台灣。
  • 李月伶、黃律瑄、鄧鈺馨、羅悅、林旖旎* (2018)。女大生行動實踐與自我發展的敘說研究。2018 教育創新國際研討會: 跨領域教育的現在與未來。新竹,台灣。
  • Lin*, Y., Chen, Y. H., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2018). Work experiences of middle-aged women in Taiwan. 2018 International Conference on Education Innovation: Interdisciplinary education now and future. HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chen, Y. H., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2018). Learning and development of volunteer counselors at A Life-line Association in Taiwan. 2018 International Conference on Education Innovation: Interdisciplinary education now and future. HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • 林旖旎*、邱怡欣(2018)。設計台灣大學生的園藝與藝術治療團體。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。林旖旎*、邱怡欣(2018)。設計台灣青少年學生的園藝與芳香紓壓治療團體。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
  • 林旖旎*、邱怡欣(2018)。設計台灣研究生園藝及閱讀的治療團體。社會秩序與犯罪防治研討會,新竹,台灣。
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2018). Students’ learning and development experiences in secondary education program in Taiwan. Conference of Teaching Practice and Research in Higher Education, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2018). Peer experiences of secondary education students in Taiwan. Conference of Teaching Practice and Research in Higher Education, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2018). Experiences of integrating theory and practice: Secondary education students in the course of counseling. Conference of Teaching Practice and Research in Higher Education, HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • 姚增昊、林旖旎*(2018)。依附理論觀點下 ADHD 個體發展經驗的自我敘事研究。第一屆科清華心理論壇暨華人心理學前瞻發展學術研討會,新竹,台灣。
  • 邱怡欣、邱瀞萱、陳以恩、陳思翰、林旖旎(2018)。大學生園藝自學活動中的反思和啟發。第 12 屆園藝治療「國際研討會」,台北,台灣。
  • 林旖旎(2017)。回應發展華人強暴迷思量表。社會關懷研討會,新竹,台灣。
  • Lin, Y. (2017). Students’ interpersonal relationships over the course of university career in Taiwan. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP 2017), Singapore.
  • Hsieh, J. C., Lin, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2017). Integrating mindfulness practice with biofeedback – A case report. Annual Conference of Taiwanese Association of Clinical Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Liu, L. C., Hsieh, J. C., & Lin, Y. (2016). EEG Comparisons of TV Watching and Mindfulness Meditation. 2016 International Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association. Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Chen, Y. S., & Lin, Y. (2016). Co-parenting experiences with the spouse and maternal stress among Chinese immigrant mothers in Taiwan. 2016 International Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association. Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2016). Student volunteers’ perspectives on university counseling centers in Taiwan. 2016 International Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association. Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Lin, Y., Hsu, Y. Y., Peng, S. C., & Lin, K. S. (2016). Reflections on building therapeutic relationship with a patient with borderline personality disorder. 2016 International Conference of Social Order and Crime
  • Prevention: Conversation between Psychology and Criminology. HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lin, Y. (2016). A program evaluation of bully prevention at an elementary school in northern Taiwan.
  • 2016 International Conference of Social Order and Crime Prevention: Conversation between Psychology and Criminology. HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2016). University life description: Perspectives of Taiwanese students. 2016 International Conference of Social Order and Crime Prevention: Conversation between psychology and criminology. HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., & Lai, P. H. (2016). Students’ experiences of engagement on university campuses in Taiwan. 2016 International Conference of Social Order and Crime Prevention: Conversation between psychology and criminology. HsinChu, Taiwan.
  • Lin, Y. (2016). Preventive services provided by university counseling center in Taiwan. The American Counseling Association Asia Pacific Counseling Conference 2016. Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
  • Chen, Y. H., & Lin*, Y. (2016). Decision-making of becoming an elementary teacher or a school counselor in Taiwan. The American Counseling Association Asia Pacific Counseling Conference 2016. Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
  • 陳玥樺 & 林旖旎* (2015)。小學教師有效運用諮商輔導知能於教學現場之經驗分析。教育創新國際學術研討會。新竹,台灣。
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2015). Defining student success over university career: Perspectives of Taiwanese university students. International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP). Nagoya, Japan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Sun, H. M., & Lin, Y. (2015). Rejection Sensitivity, Interpersonal Intimacy Competence, and Self-consciousness of Counseling and Clinical Psychology Graduate Students in Taiwan. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning - Fall Session (ICEPL 2015-Fall). Nagoya, Japan.
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2015). Experiences of university senior students in Taiwan. The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2015). Osaka, Japan.
  • Lin*, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2015). Psychosocial development of university students in Taiwan. The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2015). Osaka, Japan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Feng, Z. J., & Lin, Y. (2014). Is mindful awareness helpful enough? The roles of mindful awareness and meta-cognitive awareness on the relations between adolescents’ ruminative responses and their risk for depression. Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chang, Y. F., Chiu, C. C., Hsieh, J. C., Lin, Y. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2014). Facilitating and measuring children’s improvement of learning experiences with the use of brainwave monitoring. Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Hsieh, H. H., Chen, Y. H., & Lai, P. H. (2014). Development of university counseling profession in Taiwan. Conference of Social Sciences, Hsuan Chuang University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Chiu, Y. H. C., Lai, P. H., Hsieh, H. H., & Chen, Y. H. (2014). Learning and development experience of dormitory peer mentors in Taiwan. Conference of Social Sciences, Hsuan Chuang University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
  • 柯詒菁、廖春滿、林旖旎、邱怡欣(2014)。彰化醫院日間病友人際溝通成長團體療效因子介入方案成效評估。
  • 2014 年暴力與毒品犯罪心理與矯治國際學術研討會,新竹,台灣。
  • Chang, J. W., Lin, Y., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). The effects of parent-child attachment on children’s emotional and behavioral problems: The comparison of cross-national and same-national families in Taiwan. 52th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Wang, M. L., & Lin, Y. (2013). The characteristics and parenting styles of immigrant single mothers and non-single mothers. Conference of Counseling Psychology Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y., Hsieh, H., & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Experience of teacher education students in learning psychology of adolescence. Conference of Social Sciences, Hsuan Chuang University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Chen, C., & Lin, Y. (2013). The effects of social network characteristics on mental health: A study of Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan. Conference of Social Sciences, Hsuan Chuang University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Chen, C., & Lin, Y. (2013). The associations of different types of bullying, different victimizations of bullying, and peer relationships among fifth- and sixth- grade students in Taiwan. Conference of Social Sciences, Hsuan Chuang University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
  • Lin*, Y. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Experiential learning and psychosocial development of Taiwanese university students. 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Lin*, Y. & Chiu, Y. H. C. (2013). Managing a good-quality life over the university journey: Perspectives of Taiwanese university students. 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Fan, C., & Lin, Y. (2013). Attitudes toward traditional counseling and internet-based counseling among college students in Taiwan. 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference.Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Chiu, Y. H. C., Chang, M., & Lin, Y. (2013). The group counseling experiences of male adolescents with conduct problems in Taiwan. 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Lin, Y. (2012). Challenges and prospects of university counseling centers in Taiwan: Perspectives of university counseling center directors. Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology (CBP 2012). Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore.
  • Lin, Y. (2011). Learning and growth experiences of graduate students satisfied with graduate careers. The 18th International Conference on Learning, University of Mauritius, Mauritius.
  • Lin, Y. (2011). Female veteran counseling psychologists regarding student characteristics and resultant strategies for university counseling services in Taiwan. 2011 American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • 曾維英、林旖旎* (2005)。酒癮者原生家庭經驗之研究。物質濫用研討會。台南,台灣。
  • Lin*, Y., Tsai, Y., & Kang, C. (2002). Taiwanese infertile patients’ psychosocial needs during the process of infertility treatment: A survey study. (The 3rd Prize Paper). The 3rd Conference of The Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility. Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 林旖旎 (2002)。回應「性侵害加害人社區身心治療團體之應用」。走出暴力創傷--兒童保護及家暴目睹兒童個案處遇研討會。南投,台灣。
  • Kang, C., Tsai, Y., & Lin*, Y. (2002). The correlation between Taiwanese infertile patients’ perceived self-control and life satisfaction during the process of infertility treatment. The 3rd Conference of The Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility. Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Spiegel, V. M., & Lin, Y. (1999). Training for Addiction Counselor Competencies in Academic and Agency Settings.
  • The 1999 American Counseling Association World Conference. Indianapolis, I.N., U.S.A.
  • Spiegel, V. M., & Lin, Y. (1998). Designing Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counseling Prepracticum Responsive to Current Professional Issues. The 1998 American Counseling Association World Conference. Santa Barbara, C.A., U.S.A.

專書或媒材出版PUBLICATIONS: Book Chapters/ Books/ Materials/ Videotape/ Web

Ÿ 林旖旎 (2002)。於沈瓊桃、詹宜璋等,社會工作概論 (R. A. Skidmore, 2000)。台北學富文化事業有限公司。

Ÿ Lin, Y. (1998). The effects of counseling style and stage on perceived counseling effectiveness from Taiwanese female college freshmen. The University of Iowa. Iowa City, I.A., U.S.A.

Ÿ Lin, Y. (1997). Perspectives on helping: A qualitative analysis and comparison between Taiwanese international and American Caucasian graduate students. The University of Iowa. Iowa City, I.A., U.S.A.

Ÿ Lin, Y. (1993). Effective cross-cultural counseling. The University of Texas at Austin. Austin, T.X., U.S.A.

技術報告PUBLICATIONS: Specific Reports


  • Lin, Y. (2021-2022). Women STEM university students’ experiences of success in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-110-2410-H-007-040-)
  • 黃軍義、林旖旎 (2021-2022)。男性敵視女性的意涵、形成與影響(MOST-110-2410-H-364-001-)。科技部,台北,台灣。(Lin, Y., 協同主持人)
  • Lin, Y. (2019-2020). The woman STEM graduate student experience at research-oriented universities in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-108-2629-H-007-001-)
  • Lin, Y. (2019-2020). Perspectives on peer mentoring from graduate students in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-108-2410-H-007-041-)
  • 邱怡欣、林旖旎 (2019)。活力香山社區計畫 2.0。教育部,台北,台灣。
  • Lin, Y. (2018-2019). Effective peer mentoring: Perspectives of undergraduate students in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-107-2410-H-007-058-).
  • 邱怡欣、林旖旎 (2018)。活力香山社區計畫。教育部,台北,台灣。
  • Lin, Y. (2016-2017). Defining student success over the journey of university career: Perspectives of Taiwanese students. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-105-2410-H-007-024)
  • Lin, Y. (2015-2016). Students’ relationships among Taiwanese university students on university campuses. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-104-2410-H-007-018).
  • Huang, C. Y. & Lin, Y. (2015-2016). Toward the development of a culturally relevant rape myth concept and scale. Toward the development of a culturally relevant rape myth concept and scale. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-104-2410-H-364-001) (Lin, Y., co-investigator)
  • Lin, Y. (2014-2015). University students’ psychosocial development and a comparison with psychosocial developmental theory by Chickering and Reisser. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST-103-2410-H- 007-031)
  • Lin, Y. (2013-2014). The senior student experience at three universities in Taiwan. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-102-2410- H-007-019)
  • 林旖旎 (2012-13). 諮商中心一級服務的理念、內容與執行模式研究。清華大學研發處。新竹,台灣。
  • 林旖旎 (2012-13). 師培生修習青少年心理學的學習與發展經驗。清華大學教務處教學發展中心。新竹,台灣。
  • Lin, Y. (2011-2012). Changes, challenges and development of university counseling centers: Perspectives of directors in Taiwan. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-100-2410-H-007-012)
  • Lin, Y. (2010-2011). Constructing a self-care model of university counselors in Taiwan. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-99-2410-H-007-032)
  • 林旖旎 (2009-2010)。理工研究生於研究所生涯的成長發展經驗心理社會觀點。國科會,台北,台灣。(NSC- 98-2410-H-007-011)
  • 林旖旎(2009)。清大諮商中心服務調查研究。清華大學學務處。新竹,台灣。
  • 林旖旎(2009)。師資培育學生以經驗性學習方式修習諮商輔導課程的學習與成長經驗。清華大學教務處教學發展中心。新竹,台灣。
  • Lin, Y. (2007-2009). Subjective well-being experiences of Taiwanese undergraduate and graduate students: Content description and model construction. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-96-2410-H-007-002-MY2)
  • Lin, Y. (2007-2008). Women’s experiences of post-infertility pregnancy with assisted reproductive treatment. Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • 林旖旎(2007)。研究型大學諮商輔導策略研究。清華大學學務處。新竹,台灣。
  • Lin, Y. (2006-2007). Life experiences of good-quality undergraduate and graduate students in Taiwan: Content description and model construction. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-95-2410-H-007-001)
  • Lin, Y. (2004-2005). Psychosocial development of Taiwanese university students. National Science Council. Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC-93-2413-H-007-007)
  • Lin, Y. (2003-2004). The effect of brief eclectic therapy on Taiwanese female university students. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin, Y. (2002-2003). Taiwanese infertile women’s psychosocial responses before, during and after the process of infertility treatment. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin, Y. (2001-2002). Psychosocial needs, perceived self-control, and life satisfaction from the perspectives of Taiwanese infertile patients. Chi Mei Medicine Center. Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Lin, Y. (2000-2001). The effects of counseling styles and stages on perceived counselor effectiveness from Taiwanese female university clients. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.


Ÿ 師培生經驗性學習青少年心理學課程的成長發展經驗/演講者 (10/19/2016, 教學發展中心成果發表會, 清華大學)

Ÿ 不孕症患者的心理衛生需求與諮商及諮詢技巧/演講者 (7/11/2015, 不孕護理暨諮詢師研討會, 台灣默克公司)

Ÿ 研究倫理教育訓練: 諮商實務及研究倫理議題及送審經驗分享/演講者 (6/12/2015, 清大研究倫理辦公室與共教會)

Ÿ 實習諮商心理師全職實習的學習成果發表會/評論人 (5/29/2015, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 個案研討會/評論人 (5/2015, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 質性研究與案例分享/演講者 (3/2015, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 諮商個案紀錄撰寫/演講者 (3/2015, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 諮商心理師於職場就業現況與能力培養/演講者 (10/2014, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 諮商歷程的個案概念化/演講者 (10/2014, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 個案概念化與諮商歷程及結案/演講者(5/2014, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 質性研究執行與寫作/演講者 (10/2013, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 質性研究能力培養與案例分享/演講者 (4/2013, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 質性研究:高品質大學生生活經驗/演講者 (10/2012, 玄奘大學)

Ÿ 質性研究:師培生修習諮輔課程的學習與成長經驗/演講者 (5/2011, 成功大學)

Ÿ 清大學生特色與輔導 (9/2010, 新進教師研習營by 教學發展中心, 清華大學)

Ÿ 清大大學生與研究生心理社會問題與發展特色 (9/2009, 清華大學)

Ÿ 當代大學生與研究生心理社會特色 (8/2008, 東華大學 & 海洋生物博物館 )



Ÿ International Journal of Science Education

Ÿ Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences (Global Illuminators Publishing)

Ÿ International Journal of Education

Ÿ International Research in Education

Ÿ Journal of Educational Issues

Ÿ International Journal of Learning and Development

Ÿ Asia Pacific Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Ÿ International Journal of Education and Social Science

Ÿ Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

Ÿ Journal of Career Development

Ÿ International Journal of Psychology and Counselling

Ÿ 教育學刊

Ÿ 中華心理學刊

Ÿ 中華心理衛生學刊

Ÿ 中華輔導與諮商學報

Ÿ 社會政策與社會工作學報

Ÿ 逢甲人文社會學報

Ÿ 慈濟通識教育學刊

Ÿ 生命敘說與心理傳記學期刊

Ÿ 朝陽人文社會學刊



Ÿ 黃繹維 (2016-)。彈性工時對航空業地勤人員身心社會健康的影響 (暫定)

Ÿ 陳玥樺 (2015)。小學教師運用輔諮知能於教學現場之經驗分析。未出版之碩士論文,新竹,台灣。

Ÿ 曾維英(2004)。酒癮者原生家庭經驗之研究。未出版之碩士論文,南投,台灣。

Ÿ 林慧萍(2004)。未婚青少女出養子女的經驗歷程。未出版之碩士論文,南投,台灣。

Ÿ 吳倩華(2003)。施虐母親參與強制性親職團體後親職經驗之追蹤研究:以財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會台中市分事務所為例。未出版之碩士論文,南投,台灣。


Ÿ 葉品陽 (2001)。處於戀愛階段與否是否影響臺灣高中生日常情緒的憂鬱程度。國科會,台北,台灣。

Ÿ 戴瑩瑩 (2003)。臺灣女大學生身體形象與自尊之研究。國科會,台北,台灣。



發表學期 姓名 畢業論文 備註
106 符永健 家庭冷漠現狀與對孩子心理發展影響之探討
107 梁薾勻 打工換宿中的自我成長
107 曾怡佳、梁澐澄 心輔系大學生的諮商求助迷思
107 黃律瑄、鄧鈺馨、李月伶、羅悅 走出去,可以不一樣。
1081 王子妮、姚品瑄 手勾手,環台之路—愛的瑄言,為妮發聲  
1081 劉昕語、陳暐淇 台灣大學生同志對2018年婚姻平權公投的看法